Other Stuff


Great Blue Heron

Lois and I stumbled across these birds out at 5800 W. and 18th S. (California Ave). There are some wet lands called Lee Kay Ponds and they are open to the public most of the year. I noticed these heron on this old power structure and we stopped and looked at them with the binoculars. We ran home and got the zoom lens because they sat quite a ways off the road. Lois noticed that all the nest had babies in them when we got back. (click on picture for new window and then click again). There is one that you can see in the first shot rather well.


  1. Very Cool. Good eye in all of your pics, great dedication to go all the way back to the house for a better lens and then return for the photos.

  2. Great shots! I sure enjoyed kidnapping your girls... :)
